
Back in 2012 Wayne Caverly began a series of articles in Drugstore Canada where pharmacists would submit their layouts and concerns and Wayne would respond with advice on how to correct the design and workflow issues. The issue discussed in this case study is the crucial relationship between the entrance to the store and the dispensary’s reception and cash counters.

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Designers love challenges…. but! “We need to relocate our 1,700 square foot pharmacy into 750 square feet with no change to our staffing, our workload or stock levels.” This short case study shows in floor plan and photos how Caverly Pharmacy Solutions and Uniweb pharmacy fixtures achieved everything required.

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Janzen's Pharmacy

In 2008 Wayne Caverly started a long and mutually enjoyable relationship with Janzen’s pharmacies in Thunder Bay ON. This article is about the redesign of Janzen’s flagship store with design and automation recommendations by Caverly Pharmacy Solutions.

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