The Great Technician
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- Published: Sunday, 03 April 2016 10:22

The article below, written by Ali Aohouri, was published online February 12, 2016 on CANADIANHEALTHCARENETWORK.CA.
In our pharmacy design business we are adapting to the use of registered technicians so we thought we’d share the article with our readers. Hope you enjoy it
Exploring the benefits of registered pharmacy techs and busting some myths.
Recently, the Ontario College of Pharmacists published a great video on how to integrate regulated pharmacy technicians into practice to optimize workflow and patient experience.
In this blog, I will explore these benefits further and bust some myths! I apologize in advance to colleagues in other provinces as this will be a bit Ontario-centric, but I’m sure the ideas can be applied in other jurisdictions.
The fact is that integrating technicians into the workflow will open up the pharmacist’s time to focus on the ever-expanding clinical roles and responsibilities. Here are some great ways you can utilize a technician’s scope of practice to its fullest extent.